Core Library Release Notes
The Core Library provides basic types and utilities that can be used between different devices. This allows different libraries to share common items between themselves to avoid reimplementation and promote consistency.
What’s Included?
Common result type for reporting errors or status
Common utility MACROs for
CY_ASSERT: Verifies a value and halts if invalid (if not NDEBUG)
CY_HALT: Halts the application
CY_UNUSED_PARAMETER: Avoid warnings if a function argument isn’t used
CY_LO8: Gets the lower 8 bits of a 16-bit value
CY_HI8: Gets the upper 8 bits of a 16-bit value
CY_LO16: Gets the lower 16 bits of a 32-bit value
CY_HI16: Gets the upper 16 bits of a 32-bit value
CY_SWAP_ENDIAN16: Swaps the byte ordering of a 16-bit value
CY_SWAP_ENDIAN32: Swaps the byte ordering of a 32-bit value
CY_SWAP_ENDIAN64: Swaps the byte ordering of a 64-bit value
CY_GET_REG8: Reads the 8-bit value from the specified address
CY_SET_REG8: Writes an 8-bit value to the specified address
CY_GET_REG16: Reads the 16-bit value from the specified address
CY_SET_REG16: Writes the 16-bit value to the specified address
CY_GET_REG24: Reads the 24-bit value from the specified address
CY_SET_REG24: Writes the 24-bit value to the specified address
CY_GET_REG32: Reads the 32-bit value from the specified register
CY_SET_REG32: Writes the 32-bit value to the specified register
_CLR_SET_FLD32U: The macro for setting a register with a name field and value for providing get-clear-modify-write operations
CY_REG32_CLR_SET: Uses _CLR_SET_FLD32U macro for providing get-clear-modify-write operations with a name field and value and writes a resulting value to the 32-bit register
_CLR_SET_FLD16U: The macro for setting a 16-bit register with a name field and value for providing get-clear-modify-write operations
CY_REG16_CLR_SET: Uses _CLR_SET_FLD16U macro for providing get-clear-modify-write operations with a name field and value and writes a resulting value to the 16-bit register
_CLR_SET_FLD8U: The macro for setting a 8-bit register with a name field and value for providing get-clear-modify-write operations
CY_REG8_CLR_SET: Uses _CLR_SET_FLD8U macro for providing get-clear-modify-write operations with a name field and value and writes a resulting value to the 8-bit register
_BOOL2FLD: Returns a field mask if the value is not false
_FLD2BOOL: Returns true, if the value includes the field mask
CY_SYSLIB_DIV_ROUND: Calculates a / b with rounding to the nearest integer, a and b must have the same sign.
CY_SYSLIB_DIV_ROUNDUP: Calculates a / b with rounding up if remainder != 0, both a and b must be positive.
MACROs to create cross compiler compatible code. Use the CY_NOINIT, CY_SECTION, CY_UNUSED, CY_ALIGN attributes at the first place of declaration/definition. For example: CY_NOINIT uint32_t noinitVar;
What Changed?
Minor updates for MISRA & documentation #### v1.1.3
Minor update for documentation & branding #### v1.1.2
Added new module identifiers to cy_result.h #### v1.1.1
Fixed MISRA violation #### v1.1.0
Migrated numerous utility & cross compiler macros from psoc6pdl into here #### v1.0.1
Added new module IDs in cy_result.h
Minor updates to documentation #### v1.0.0
Initial release
Supported Software and Tools
This version of the Core Library was validated for compatibility with the following Software and Tools:
Software and Tools |
Version |
ModusToolbox Software Environment |
2.1 |
GCC Compiler |
9.2 |
IAR Compiler |
8.4 |
ARM Compiler |
6.11 |
Minimum required ModusToolbox Software Environment: v2.0
More information
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