Nordic nRF5340

The nRF5340 development kit (DK) is a single-board development kit for the evaluation and development on the Nordic nRF5340 System-on-Chip (SoC).

The nRF5340 is a dual-core SoC based on the Arm® Cortex®-M33 architecture, with:

  • a full-featured ARM Cortex-M33F core with DSP instructions, FPU, and ARMv8-M Security Extension, running at up to 128 MHz, referred to as the Application MCU

  • a secondary ARM Cortex-M33 core, with a reduced feature set, running at a fixed 64 MHz, referred to as the Network MCU.

The nRF5340 Application MCU supports the Armv8m Security Extension.


The following links provide useful information about the nRF5340

nRF5340 DK website:

Nordic Semiconductor TechDocs:

Building TF-M on nRF5340 Application MCU

To build an S and NS application image for the nRF5340 Application MCU run the following commands:

cmake -S <TF-M base folder> -B build_spe \
        -DTFM_PLATFORM=nordic_nrf/nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp \
        -DTFM_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../toolchain_GNUARM.cmake \
cmake --build build_spe -- install

cmake -S <Application base folder> -B build_app \
        -DCONFIG_SPE_PATH<Absolute path to TF-M base folder>/build_spe/api_ns
cmake --build


Currently, applications can only be built using GCC (GNU ARM Embedded toolchain).


BL2 (MCUBoot) logging output to be available, the project needs to be built with Debug configuration (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug).