Integration Guide

The purpose of this document is to provide a guide on how to integrate TF-M with other hardware platforms and operating systems.

How to build TF-M

Follow the Build instructions.

How to export files for building non-secure applications

Explained in the Build instructions.

How to add a new platform

Porting TF-M to a New Hardware contains guidance on how to add a new platform.

How to integrate another OS

OS migration to Armv8-M platforms

To work with TF-M on Armv8-M platforms, the OS needs to support the Armv8-M architecture and, in particular, it needs to be able to run in the non-secure world. More information about OS migration to the Armv8-M architecture can be found in the OS requirements. Depending upon the system configuration this may require configuring drivers to use appropriate address ranges.

Interface with TF-M

The files needed for the interface with TF-M are exported at the <install_dir>/interface path. The NS side is only allowed to call TF-M secure functions (veneers) from the NS Thread mode.

TF-M interface header files are exported in <install_dir>/interface/include directory. For example, the Protected Storage (PS) service PSA API is declared in the file <install_dir>/interface/include/psa/protected_storage.h.

TF-M also exports a reference implementation of PSA APIs for NS clients in the <install_dir>/interface/src.

On Armv8-M TrustZone based platforms, NS OS uses tfm_ns_interface_dispatch() to integrate with TF-M implementation of PSA APIs. TF-M provides a reference implementation of this function for RTOS and bare metal use cases. RTOS implementation of tfm_ns_interface_dispatch() (provided in interface\src\os_wrapper\tfm_ns_interface_rtos.c) uses mutex to provide multithread safety. Mutex wrapper functions defined in interface/include/os_wrapper/mutex.h are expected to be provided by NS RTOS. When reference RTOS implementation of dispatch function is used NS application should call tfm_ns_interface_init() function before first PSA API call. Bare metal implementation tfm_ns_interface_dispatch() (provided in interface\src\os_wrapper\tfm_ns_interface_bare_metal.c) does not provide multithread safety and does not require implementation of mutex interface. If needed, instead of using reference implementation, NS application may provide its own implementation of tfm_ns_interface_dispatch() function.

TF-M provides a reference implementation of NS mailbox on multi-core platforms, under folder interface/src/multi_core. See Mailbox design for TF-M multi-core mailbox design.

Interface with non-secure world regression tests

A non-secure application that wants to run the non-secure regression tests needs to call the tfm_non_secure_client_run_tests(). This function is exported into the header file test_framework_integ_test.h inside the <build_dir>/install folder structure in the test specific files, i.e. <build_dir>/install/export/tfm/test/inc. The non-secure regression tests are precompiled and delivered as a static library which is available in <build_dir>/install/export/tfm/test/lib, so that the non-secure application needs to link against the library to be able to invoke the tfm_non_secure_client_run_tests() function. The PS non-secure side regression tests rely on some OS functionality e.g. threads, mutexes etc. These functions comply with CMSIS RTOS2 standard and have been exported as thin wrappers defined in os_wrapper.h contained in <build_dir>/install/export/tfm/test/inc. OS needs to provide the implementation of these wrappers to be able to run the tests.

NS client Identification

The NS client identification (NSID) is specified by either SPM or NSPE RTOS. If SPM manages the NSID (default option), then the same NSID (-1) will be used for all connections from NS clients. For the case that NSPE RTOS manages the NSID and/or different NSIDs should be used for different NS clients. See Non-secure Client Extension Integration Guide.

Non-secure interrupts

Non-secure interrupts are allowed to preempt Secure thread mode. With the current implementation, a NSPE task can spoof the identity of another NSPE task. This is an issue only when NSPE has provisions for task isolation. Note, that AIRCR.PRIS is still set to restrict the priority range available to NS interrupts to the lower half of available priorities so that it wouldn’t be possible for any non-secure interrupt to preempt a higher-priority secure interrupt.

Secure interrupts and scheduling

To ensure correct operation in the general case, the secure scheduler is not run after handling a secure interrupt that pre-empted the NSPE. On systems with specific constraints, it may be desirable to run the scheduler in this situation, which can be done by setting CONFIG_TFM_SCHEDULE_WHEN_NS_INTERRUPTED to 1. This could be done if the NSPE is known to be a simple, single-threaded application or if non-secure interrupts cannot pre-empt the SPE, for example.

Integration with non-Cmake systems

Generated Files

Files that are derived from PSA manifests are generated at build-time by cmake. For integration with systems that do no use cmake, the files must be generated manually.

The tools/ script can be invoked manually. Some arguments will be needed to be provided. Please refer to --help for more details.

Some variables are used in the template files, these will need to be set in the environment before the script will succeed when the script is not run via cmake.

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