RSE integration guide


To create a port for a new platform integration of RSE, make a new directory under the top-level RSE platform: platform/ext/target/arm/rse/<platform name>.

At a minimum an RSE platform port must include the following.

Build and configuration files (see Porting TF-M for more detail about each file):

  • check_config.cmake: Used to check for invalid build configs. At a minimum, include the common RSE check_config.cmake.

  • CMakeLists.txt: CMakeLists file to build the files added to the platform. Call add_subdirectory() first to add the common RSE CMakeLists.txt.

  • config_tfm_target.h: Defines TF-M configuration options.

  • config.cmake: Defines build configuration options (see below).

  • cpuarch.cmake: Defines HW properties for the build system. Include the common RSE cpuarch.cmake unless different properties are required.

  • ns/CMakeLists.txt: CMakeLists file for the NSPE build. Include the common RSE common.cmake first and add any files in the platform needed for the NSPE build.

  • tests/tfm_tests_config.cmake: Build configuration for the tests. Include the common RSE tfm_tests_config.cmake and add extra settings if required.

  • tests/tfm_tests_ns_config.cmake: Build configuration for the NS tests. Include the common RSE tfm_tests_config.cmake and add extra settings if required.

Platform files:

  • flash_layout.h: Defines the layout of firmware images in flash. See Porting TF-M.

  • host_base_address.h: Defines the base addresses of host system flash and image load destinations.

  • rse_memory_sizes.h: Defines memory area sizes in RSE that may be configured by the platform.

  • cmsis_drivers/Driver_Flash.c: CMSIS Driver for the host flash device that contains the boot images.

  • cmsis_drivers/host_cmsis_driver_config.h: CMSIS Driver config definitions.

  • device/host_device_cfg.h: Configuration file to define which additional peripheral devices in host_device_definition.c to include in the build.

  • device/host_device_definition.c: Defines device structs for additional peripherals in the platform on top of the RSE base peripherals.

  • device/host_device_definition.h: Declarations for additional peripheral device structs.

Boot HAL:

  • bl2/boot_hal_bl2.c: Platform HAL for the BL2 bootloader. The platform should implement the boot_platform_post_init() and boot_platform_quit() functions to initialize and uninitialize drivers. It should implement boot_platform_pre_load() and boot_platform_post_load() to setup and tear down the required ATU regions before and after each image is loaded, as well as to implement any required synchronization between processing elements (PEs) before or after each image is loaded.

  • bl2/flash_map_bl2.c: Defines the flash areas that store each boot image loaded by the BL2 boot stage using the definitions in flash_layout.h.

Comms HAL:

  • rse_comms/rse_comms_permissions_hal.c: Implements access control for RSE runtime service requests received over MHU. The platform should implement the comms_permissions_service_check() function to define which services can be accessed by an MHU endpoint. It should implement the comms_permissions_memory_check() function to control which host memory areas may be used to pass input and/or output parameters to RSE when using the pointer access RSE comms protocol.

Build configuration

The RSE platform supports a large degree of configuration via build options defined in platform/ext/target/arm/rse/common/config.cmake. System integrators may override the defaults in the common config by setting them in rse/<platform name>/config.cmake, before including the common config file.

The common config file describes each option, and more detail is provided below for some critical options.

Boot configuration

  • MCUBOOT_IMAGE_NUMBER: Set to the number of images for RSE BL2 to load. For example, if BL2 is loading RSE SPE, RSE NSPE, AP BL1 and SCP BL1 then set to 4. Defaults to 4.

  • RSE_LOAD_NS_IMAGE: Set to ON to load an RSE NSPE image, or OFF to run SPE runtime firmware only on RSE. Defaults to ON.

  • RSE_XIP: Set to ON to execute the RSE SPE and RSE NSPE (if applicable) in place in external storage via the Secure I-Cache, or OFF to load the RSE runtime firmware into RSE SRAM. This option should be set to ON if the RSE HW has been configured with the Secure I-Cache peripheral and without enough internal SRAM to hold the full runtime firmware binary. Defaults to OFF.

Attestation scheme

RSE supports three attestation schemes:

  • PSA Attestation

  • CCA Attestation

  • DICE Protection Environment (DPE)

Set TFM_ATTESTATION_SCHEME to PSA, CCA or DPE as required by the use case of the platform integrating RSE, or set it to OFF to disable all attestation services.

RSE does not currently support multiple simultaneous attestation services.

Key management

BL1 bootloader keys

The BL1 bootloader requires an LMS keypair to verify signed BL2 images and a 256-bit AES key to decrypt encrypted BL2 images.

Generate an LMS keypair with LMS parameter set lms_sha256_m32_h10 and LMOTS parameter set lmots_sha256_n32_w8. This can be done using the pyhsslms Python package by calling its genkey command:

hsslms genkey bl2_signing_key --levels 1 --lms 10 --lmots 8 --alg sha256 --trunc 32

This will generate a private key bl2_signing_key.prv and public key, which can be used to replace the development keys in bl1/bl1_2/bl1_dummy_rotpk.prv and bl1/bl1_2/ by building TF-M with the parameter TFM_BL2_SIGNING_KEY_PATH=path/to/bl2_signing_key.

The private key is updated each time a new BL2 image is signed. In a production system, a process must be put in place to ensure that the private keys are kept secret and that a previously-used LMS private key is never reused.

Generate a 256-bit AES key by generating 32-bytes of random number generator output. For example, using openssl:

openssl rand -out bl2_encryption_key 32

The key generated can be used to replace the development key in bl1/bl1_2/bl2_dummy_encryption_key.bin by building TF-M with the parameter TFM_BL2_ENCRYPTION_KEY_PATH=path/to/bl2_encryption_key.

The public key and encryption key must be added to the provisioning values (see below).

BL2 bootloader keys

The BL2 bootloader requires asymmetric keypairs to verify signed RSE NSPE, RSE SPE and other PE BL1 images. By default, the RSE platform configures BL2 to use ECDSA with the P256 curve as the signature scheme, but it can be changed using the MCUBOOT_SIGNATURE_TYPE build option. This guide assumes ECDSA-P256 is used.

Generate an ECDSA-P256 key using the imgtool keygen command:

imgtool keygen -k keyname.pem -t ecdsa-p256

This will generate a private key keyname.pem, which can be used to replace the development key in bl2/ext/mcuboot/root-EC-P256.pem. Build TF-M with the parameter MCUBOOT_KEY_S=path/to/keyname.pem to set the key to sign the RSE SPE and MCUBOOT_KEY_NS=path/to/keyname.pem for the NSPE. The keys for signing the SPE and NSPE may be the same or different depending on whether the same trust agent is producing both images.

To sign other PE BL1 images loaded by RSE BL2 but not built as part of the TF-M build, use the imgtool sign command:

imgtool sign \
    --key <path/to/keyname.pem> \
    --public-key-format full \
    --max-align 8 \
    --align 1 \
    --version "<major>.<minor>.<patch>[+<build>]" \
    --security-counter <security count> \
    --header-size 0x2000 \
    --pad-header \
    --slot-size 0x80000 \
    --pad \
    --load-addr <load address> \
    <binary infile> \
    <signed binary outfile>

The public key can then be extracted from the private key file using the imgtool getpub command:

imgtool getpub -o -k keyname.pem -e lang-c

The public keys must be added to the provisioning values (see below).

Provisioning values

The GUK is a key unique to a group of chips that have identical security properties, used to derive the attestation key. It is a 256-bit value that should be created from random number generator output. The dummy key in bl1/bl1_1/dummy_guk.bin must be replaced by setting the build parameter TFM_GUK_PATH to the path of the generated GUK.

The RTL key is a 256-bit key embedded in the RSE HW and used for authenticated decryption of encrypted provisioning bundles. The path to the RTL key file must be supplied via the RSE_RTL_KEY_PATH build parameter to use it to encrypt the provisioning bundles.

The dummy provisioning data in platform/ext/target/arm/rse/common/provisioning/bundle_cm/cm_dummy_provisioning_data.c and platform/ext/target/arm/rse/common/provisioning/bundle_dm/dm_dummy_provisioning_data.c must be replaced with files containing the real provisioning values.

The GUK must be included in the CM provisioning data.

The BL1 public key and encryption key must be included in the DM provisioning data.

If the BL2 default config is used, i.e. MCUBOOT_BUILTIN_KEY=OFF and MCUBOOT_HW_KEY=ON, then the SHA-256 hashes of the public keys must be provisioned. Otherwise, a platform might decide to enable direct usage of builtin keys, i.e. MCUBOOT_BUILTIN_KEY=ON and MCUBOOT_HW_KEY=OFF: In this case, the whole BL2 public key for each image must be included in the DM provisioning bundle.

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