Runtime Security Engine (RSE)


Runtime Security Engine (RSE) is an Arm subsystem that serves as a hardware root-of-trust and isolated attestation enclave in A-profile compute subsystems. RSE provides a physically-isolated execution environment for security-critical assets and services, which can be configured according to use case. In systems that implement the Arm Confidential Compute Architecture (CCA), RSE fulfils the requirements of the HES Host. In DICE attestation schemes, RSE provides a DICE Protection Environment (DPE) implementation.

RSE initially boots from immutable code (BL1_1) in its internal ROM, before jumping to BL1_2, which is provisioned and hash-locked in RSE OTP. The updatable MCUBoot BL2 boot stage is loaded from host system flash into RSE SRAM, where it is authenticated using the LMS stateful hash-based signature scheme. BL2 loads and authenticates the TF-M runtime and RSE NS image (if applicable) into RSE SRAM from host flash. BL2 is also responsible for loading initial boot code into other subsystems within the host.

The TF-M runtime for RSE supports the TF-M Crypto, ADAC (Authenticated Debug Access Control) and Platform services, along with the Measured Boot, Initial Attestation and Delegated Attestation services in the CCA HES use case and the DICE Protection Environment service in the DICE use case. It supports the TF-M IPC model with Isolation Level 1 and 2. At runtime, RSE can receive service requests from the RSE NSPE via the TF-M TrustZone interface and from other processing elements in the system over MHU using the RSE comms protocol.

Building TF-M

Follow the instructions in Build instructions. Build TF-M with platform name: arm/rse/<rse platform name>

For example, to build RSE for the Total Compute TC2 platform use: -DTFM_PLATFORM=arm/rse/tc/tc2

Signing host images

RSE BL2 can load boot images into other subsystems within the host system. It expects images to be signed, with the signatures attached to the images in the MCUBoot metadata format.

The imgtool Python package can be used to sign images in the required format. To sign a host image using the development key distributed with TF-M, use the following command:

imgtool sign \
    -k <TF-M base directory>/bl2/ext/mcuboot/root-EC-P256.pem \
    --public-key-format full \
    --max-align 8 \
    --align 1 \
    -v "0.0.1" \
    -s 1 \
    -H 0x2000 \
    --pad-header \
    -S 0x80000 \
    --pad \
    -L <load address> \
    <binary infile> \
    <signed binary outfile>

The load address is the logical address in the RSE memory map to which BL2 will load the image. RSE FW expects the first host image to be loaded to address 0x70000000 (the beginning of the RSE ATU host access region), and each subsequent host image to be loaded at an offset of 0x1000000 from the previous image. The RSE ATU should be configured to map these logical addresses to the physical addresses in the host system that the images need to be loaded to.

The development key root-EC-P256.pem corresponds to the default BL2 signature scheme of ECDSA-P256 used by RSE.

For more information on the imgtool parameters, see the MCUBoot imgtool documentation.


The TF-M development key must never be used in production. See the RSE integration guide for more information about key management.

Running the code

To run the built images, first the ROM image must be created from the bl1_1 binary and the ROM DMA Initial Command Sequence (ICS).:

srec_cat \
    bl1_1.bin -Binary -offset 0x0 \
    rom_dma_ics.bin -Binary -offset 0x1F000 -fill 0x00 0x1F000 0x20000 \
    -o rom.bin -Binary

Then, the flash image must be created by concatenating the images that are output from the build. To create the flash image, the following fiptool command should be run. fiptool documentation can be found here. Note that an up-to-date fiptool that supports the RSE UUIDs must be used.:

fiptool create \
    --align 8192 --rse-bl2     bl2_signed.bin \
    --align 8192 --rse-ns      tfm_ns_signed.bin \
    --align 8192 --rse-s       tfm_s_signed.bin \
    --align 8192 --rse-scp-bl1 <signed Host SCP BL1 image> \
    --align 8192 --rse-ap-bl1  <signed Host AP BL1 image> \

If you already have a fip.bin containing host firmware images, RSE FIP images can be patched in:

fiptool update --align 8192 --rse-bl2 bl2_signed.bin fip.bin
fiptool update --align 8192 --rse-ns  tfm_ns.bin fip.bin
fiptool update --align 8192 --rse-s   tfm_s.bin fip.bin

If XIP mode is enabled, the following fiptool command should be run to create the flash image:

fiptool create \
    --align 8192 --rse-bl2           bl2_signed.bin \
    --align 8192 --rse-ns            tfm_ns_encrypted.bin \
    --align 8192 --rse-s             tfm_s_encrypted.bin \
    --align 8192 --rse-sic-tables-ns tfm_ns_sic_tables_signed.bin \
    --align 8192 --rse-sic-tables-s  tfm_s_sic_tables_signed.bin \
    --align 8192 --rse-scp-bl1       <signed Host SCP BL1 image> \
    --align 8192 --rse-ap-bl1        <signed Host AP BL1 image> \

Once the FIP is prepared, a host flash image can be created using srec_cat:

srec_cat \
        fip.bin -Binary -offset 0x0 \
        -o host_flash.bin -Binary

If GPT support is enabled, and a host fip.bin and fip_gpt.bin has been obtained, RSE images can be inserted by first patching the host FIP and then inserting that patched FIP into the GPT image:

sector_size=$(gdisk -l fip_gpt.bin | grep -i "sector size (logical):" | \
            sed 's/.*logical): \([0-9]*\) bytes/\1/')

fip_label=" FIP_A$"
fip_start_sector=$(gdisk -l fip_gpt.bin | grep "$fip_label" | awk '{print $2}')
fip_sector_am=$(gdisk -l fip_gpt.bin | grep "$fip_label" | awk '{print $3 - $2}')

dd if=fip.bin of=fip_gpt.bin bs=$sector_size seek=$fip_start_sector \
    count=$fip_sector_am conv=notrunc

fip_label=" FIP_B$"
fip_start_sector=$(gdisk -l fip_gpt.bin | grep "$fip_label" | awk '{print $2}')
fip_sector_am=$(gdisk -l fip_gpt.bin | grep "$fip_label" | awk '{print $3 - $2}')

dd if=fip.bin of=fip_gpt.bin bs=$sector_size seek=$fip_start_sector \
    count=$fip_sector_am conv=notrunc

To patch a fip_gpt.bin without having an initial fip.bin, the FIP can be extracted from the GPT image using the following commands (and can then be patched and reinserted using the above commands):

sector_size=$(gdisk -l fip_gpt.bin | grep -i "sector size (logical):" | \
            sed 's/.*logical): \([0-9]*\) bytes/\1/')

fip_label=" FIP_A$"
fip_start_sector=$(gdisk -l fip_gpt.bin | grep "$fip_label" | awk '{print $2}')
fip_sector_am=$(gdisk -l fip_gpt.bin | grep "$fip_label" | awk '{print $3 - $2}')

dd if=fip_gpt.bin of=fip.bin bs=$sector_size skip=$fip_start_sector \
    count=$fip_sector_am conv=notrunc

Once the fip_gpt.bin is prepared, it is placed at the base of the host flash image:

srec_cat \
        fip_gpt.bin -Binary -offset 0x0 \
        -o host_flash.bin -Binary

The RSE ROM binary should be placed in RSE ROM at 0x11000000 and the host flash binary should be placed at the base of the host flash. For the TC platform, this is at 0x80000000.

The RSE OTP must be provisioned. On a development platform with TFM_DUMMY_PROVISIONING enabled, BL1_1 expects provisioning bundles to be preloaded into RSE SRAM. Preload encrypted_cm_provisioning_bundle_0.bin to offset 0x400 from the base of VM0, and encrypted_dm_provisioning_bundle_0.bin to the base of VM1.

If TFM_DUMMY_PROVISIONING is disabled and provisioning is required, then BL1_1 will first wait for the TP mode to be set by a debugger (setting the tp_mode variable in the current stack frame is easiest). BL1_1 will then wait for provisioning bundles to be loaded to VM0 and VM1 in the same way as when TFM_DUMMY_PROVISIONING is enabled, except that it will not automatically perform the reset once each provisioning state is complete. For more details about provisioning flows, see RSE provisioning.

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